Thursday, June 24, 2010

Summary about Newspapers

Newspaper have had a long history in the U.S. Journalism in Early America contains two important Newspapers which are General features of colonial newspaper and Noteworthy Colonial newspaper.At the beginning of Revolution,tension happened between Colonies and Britain.The political press happens from the year 1790 till 1833.During the First Amendment which happened on the 1790,guarantees the press freedom.Anne Royall was the first important female political journalist.I have also learned about penny press that has changed which are basis of newspaper economic support,distribution pattern and definition of news.Well as we all know,newspapers become Big business.As we can see,Civil War and development of telegraph changed how stories were written in 2 ways they are lead and inverted pyramid.Rather than that,i have also learned more or less about yellow journalism which increased the use of sex,murder,self-promotion,and human interest stories and the positive impact are enthusiasm,professional writing,aggressive reporting and investigative journalism.Then the impact of the great depression are social and economic on newspapers that many dailies went out of business and radio emerged as competitor for advertising dollars.After the world war 2,economic forces affected the newspaper industry like more consolidation,grown of chain newspapers,few cities with competing newspapers and so forth.Well besides that we have online newspapers that vary in size and complexity.Advantages over print newspapers are not limited by news hole size,interactive.Replica Editions is not as same as the online editions.They look the same as traditional editions,with same content,whereas mobile media are like cell phones,laptops.Defining features of newspapers..they are diverse array of content,conveniently packaged,local,historical record,watchdog role and timely.Then print dailies categories of newspapers are national newspapers and on.When producing the print and online paper,convergences has appeared in print and online newspapers.In prepublication routine,sources of news like local reporting,then News hole,printed papers are laid out and printed,whereas online news hole are not applicable and convergences:reporters prepare stories for online and print.In economics,business model is changing and two main revenue sources are advertising and circulation.In advertising revenue,print version of newspapers contain local advertising,classified advertising whereas in online version,contain banner advertising,display advertising and classified advertising.Then in Circulation revenue,subscription and single -copy sales and overall circulation figures are very important to the newspaper industry.

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