Sunday, June 13, 2010


In its simplest form communication is the transmission of a message from a sourcer to a receiver .Hence communication is a reciprocal and ongoing process with all involve parties more or less engaged in creating shared meaning.Communication researcher Wilbur Schramm,using ideas originally developed a graphic way to represent the reciprocal nature of communication,This depiction of interpersonal communication where communication between two or a few people.Rather because communication is an ongoing and reciprocal process ,all the participants create meaning by encoding and decoding.Source and receiver may be individuals or group or maybe machine,immediate or delayed feedback,may be impossible and messages like private or public.Mass communication specifically means when a complex organization with machine aid.produces and transmit messages.Mass communication audiences are large,heterogenous,individuallyanoymous and self-selected.Mass media are channels for mass communication that transmit messages,example radio station.magazine.Mass media typically have well-defined organizational structure that involves specialization and division of labour generally a bureaucracy and yet channels of communication with organization are generally formal.The websites are affordable,bypass gatekeepers.The traditional model of mass communication was a one- two many.There are 3 convergences wich are corporate ,operational and device convergences.Small screen devices allow media to become increasingly mobile.example cell phones.

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