Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Entertainment sector-Bachelor no 1,2 and 3..Dating in the Dark on blind dates.

Does personality trump appearance when you're looking for love?That's the question ABC's new reality show,Dating in the Dark,tries to answer.On the show,three bachelors are in one wing of a house while three bachelorettes are in another-and their only face-to face interaction takes place in a dark room! While they can't see each other,we can,thanks to night- version cameras.But what puts this show over the top is that even when couples make a sight-unseen love connection,they can still reject the guy or girl,or get rejected ,once they get a good look!
When you take eye contact ,body languange and physical connection out of the equation,people drop their guard.They get really serious about who they are and talk about their life,because that's really all they can do,"host Rossi Morreale,32,tells STAR."It makes for some very interesting situations!".And some very sticky ones!Rossi says that when the couples meet face-to face,they're not alwayz as indifferent to physical beauty as they thought they would be!

"i thought guys will need a more physical connection and girls would need a more emotional one,"says Rossi,"but I was wrong.I can tell you that the girls are a little harsher than you think they would be,and a lot of guys get hurt!"And while some of the players claimed they didn't care about looks and stuck with the guy or girl of their choosing,others were a bit more shallow."There are some really beautiful girls who say they don't care what the guy looks like,'OK,I was wrong.I don't want to see him anymore!'''''' Ouch!!!!!!

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